Inspired by the ever changing colours of the Isle of Skye, the sea and waterfalls, misty sky, stunning sunsets, flowers and moorland, Jaine of Skye Silks creates individually designed and unique hand dyed and hand woven textiles in silks. Created using a traditional hand loom challenging her to produce beautiful fabric with straight edges, even beat and correct weave pattern just using the skills of the traditional handweaver giving her a greater connection to the woven fabric. Jaine uses a variety of dyeing techniques to achieve the distinctive colour patterning in her textiles.
Inspired by Japanese textiles, using her dyeing skills, Jaine also creates Arashi Shibori pleated silk scarves which shimmer with colours that change from ridges to the troughs in the fabric.
Surplus hand dyed silk threads from the loom are made into distinctive jewellery using Japanese Kumuhimo braiding techniques.
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