We are a husband-and-wife team of eight years, each with a previous twelve years of individual practice before we combined forces. We now make slipware pots from our workshop in Galloway.
Doug’s journey took him from a schoolboy fascination with archaeology, through to watching a production potter throw pots on the wheel during an art foundation course, to rediscovering his love of the immediacy of Medieval ceramics through museum collections.
Hannah found an affinity with clay at university, moving to Scotland to work as apprentice to a slipware potter before starting her own workshop.
We use traditional materials of red clay and natural, earth tone slips to create our pots. Our techniques too are rooted in history, using the potter’s wheel and liquid clays to decorate our pots. We draw influence from the ancient British folk heritage of country pottery, whose makers demonstrated extraordinary, intuitive skill, a high benchmark to aspire to. Tradition however develops and moves forward: our work references classical form, while embracing contemporary style, ensuring that it is not pastiche, but very much ‘of our time’.
In January 2023 Hannah was named Marsh Maker of the Year in an awards ceremony at the Houses of Lords.
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