

Jorum Craft Award

1 Jul 2020 - 25 Dec 2025

Alice Biolo / Photography by Ryan Gibson

The Jorum Craft Award is a materials-focused grant supported by Jorum Studio, in association with Craft Scotland. 



Launched in 2020, the Jorum Craft Award provides funding to support makers’ exploration of materials, including but not limited to research and development of a new piece of work, project or collection.

Each Craft Award explores the intersection between technical skill and material innovation, some centring around a theme.  

We are delighted to announce that jeweller Alice Biolo has been selected as the Jorum Craft Award Round 10 recipient. Learn more about their practice and the previous recipients

Established in 2010, Jorum Studio is a Scottish perfumer. They create scents conceived of the head, nurtured with heart, crafted by hand. Learn more about the studio, their affinity with handmade objects and why they started this award on our Craft Journal interview with founders Chloe & Euan.

Read our Craft Journal mini-series about the Jorum Craft Award: in Part One we spoke to Chloe Mullen, the co-founder of Jorum Studios about their new studio and boutique.

We catch up with Round 2 recipient Isla Cruickshank in Part Two: and.ILC melds making & cooking about how the award has helped develop her creative practice.


I’m incredibly grateful to have been selected for the Jorum Craft Award, which couldn't have come at a better time in my creative journey. I’m thrilled to bring new textures and layers to my creations! 

Soorin Shin, Jorum Craft Award Recipient 2024

As a craft business and an individual who has been making for many years now, it can be hard to find the time to develop creatively and design/create new work. This funding will enable me to research, reflect, learn a new process and push my skills. Thank you! 

Ruth Leslie, Jorum Craft Award Recipient 2024

I'm incredibly humbled that my proposal to the jorum craft award was selected. Childhood has always been a massive theme in my work so to know that others recognised this in my work is very touching. Winning this award is going to give me some time to sit, reflect, and finally take some of those ideas that have never left my sketchbook and weave them into reality.

Christopher McEvoy, Jorum Craft Award Recipient 2024

We're thrilled to award Isla Cruickshank the second Jorum Craft Award. Not only is her practice incredibly beautiful, her sustainable approach links fundamentally with the Jorum ethos. We're so excited to see what is next for this talented new maker.

Chloe Mullen, Jorum Studio

The Jorum Craft Award will allow me time to reconnect with my craft in the environment that inspires me and fall back in love with making. I am thankful for being chosen and my potential being realised and look forward to being able to produce new and exciting work with this award.

Scott Smith, Jorum Craft Award Recipient 2022

I am so complimented that the panel sees potential in my work and super grateful for the support to develop my practice further. I really cannot wait to get making and show you the outcomes.

Isla Cruickshank, Jorum Craft Award Recipient 2021

I’m incredibly pleased and humbled to hear the Jorum Craft Award appreciated the potential of my pitch. I’m excited to start work after sitting with the idea for so long. I appreciate the opportunity the award will give me.

Jack Sheahan, Jorum Craft Award Recipient 2021

We were overwhelmed and captivated by the quality of the applicants for the first ever Jorum Craft Award, and it was even more exciting to see such a diverse range of mediums, some of which we had not heard of before. Thank you to Craft Scotland for partnering with us, it was a joy to be a part of the selection process, although it was tough to narrow down the applications!

Chloe Mullen, Jorum Studio
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