

Craft Hub 2021 - 2024

1 Sep 2020 - 31 Dec 2023

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Image courtesy of OECON Group

Craft Hub aims to preserve European craft techniques for contemporary practice.  



The Craft Hub website highlights the vast variety of craft disciplines across Europe. The platform connects participants, makers and organisations to showcase the crossover in processes and to learn different ways to work with materials.  

Here’s how you can get involved:  

Makers, you can join the Practitioners Library. Showcase your work alongside other European makers and share your work with curators, producers and the European craft community with a short interview.  

You can also contribute to the largest online archive of craft materials and processes. The Material Library is a collection of materials and techniques that document a specific process.  

Preserving craft knowledge for generations to come, visitors can browse The Material Library through the different approaches and learn more about the practitioner. Each technique is personal to the practitioner and the website reflects that. 

The Activities Gallery shares all the events, activities, workshops, podcasts produced as part of the Craft Hub project. Check out the news on the European maker exchange residencies that took place in Swansea (Wales) and Matera (Italy)

Learn more about this 3-year project with the first Craft Hub podcast episode available on the Craft Hub website. 


About Craft Hub

Craft Hub is a collaborative project involving UK & EU partners from Ireland, UK, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Norway and Denmark, co-funded by Creative Europe.  

The partners, including Craft Scotland, will work together on Craft Hub over the next three years to illustrate craft’s importance in our shared European cultural heritage, and its continuing relevance in contemporary practice.  

The project goals include investigating and documenting craft skills and processes for a digital depository. Additionally, the project is keen to showcase the different applications of craft in creative practice across Europe, exploring whether this is cultural specificity or the individual motivations of practitioners. 

This exciting programme aims to allow the creation of new craft work/experimental investigations into process and material supported by 42 transnational maker residencies, 305 days of outreach work, 1 festival, 7 exhibitions and 2 conferences. 


Irene Kernan, Director, Craft Scotland says:  

"I am particularly interested in how effective networks can be established. As Creative Europe projects are founded in co-operation and partnership working models, the possibilities Craft Hub offered for the sector in Scotland to share knowledge and access expertise from across Europe seemed really exciting. 

Working with our partners will help us raise the profile of Scottish contemporary craft and enable us to build valuable new connections with universities and arts development organisations from eight different countries." 


Partners include: Carlow County Council, University of Wales, Glasmaleri Peters Studios, Materahub, Design Skolen Kolding, Craft Scotland, Nova School of Science & Technology, Oecon and Oslomet. 


Stay up to date with Craft Hub via the website and Instagram, and by signing-up to their newsletter

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