

Craft Scotland Team Update

Photography by Sophie Mutevelian

Photography by Sophie Mutevelian

After 14 ½ years at Craft Scotland, Jo Scott will be stepping down from her role as Head of Programmes to embark on a new international adventure. Jo’s time with Craft Scotland has seen much growth and development. When Jo started with the organisation in 2010, she joined a team of three working on a programme that included the Craft Directory, Homes and Interiors Showcase and Collect. Read more about Craft Scotland’s History.  

"I have so many incredible memories from my time at Craft Scotland and so many makers have made that time so enjoyable." - Jo Scott

As Head of Programmes and in her previous role as Programmes Manager, Jo has looked after Craft Scotland’s programme of events and exhibitions in Scotland, UK and internationally over the years. During that time, Jo designed, developed and led on COMPASS, our bespoke sector learning and development programme providing opportunities for makers and curators. She managed the Scotland Summer Show and London Design Festival showcases and cultivated a high standard in both presentation and care for makers and audiences across Craft Scotland’s 10 editions of Collect, the leading international fair for contemporary craft and design. Internationally Jo was instrumental in supporting makers to access selling opportunities in the US including Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York.  

Jo’s knowledge of Scotland’s craft sector and contemporary craft more widely is extensive. Through her engagement with makers, curators and the wider craft community she has helped guide, encourage and support so many people to progress their craft careers, have confidence in their practice, and connect with one another. Jo has also been an important part of developing Craft Scotland as an organisation, contributing to the development of colleagues, and shaping our priorities and values. 

Scotland: Craft & Design at London Design Fair / Photo by GRAS

Image: Scotland: Craft & Design 2016 at London Design Fair / Photo by GRAS


Speaking on the highlights of her time as Head of Programmes, Jo said: 

"I have so many incredible memories from my time at Craft Scotland and so many makers have made that time so enjoyable. It’s not easy to pick highlights, but some of them have to be delivering my first international show back in 2011 when 26 makers represented Scotland at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show. There were probably a few ‘rabbit in the headlight’ moments for sure, but it was a brilliant show that led to a partnership with the American Craft Council in 2017. We showcased 20 makers at their flagship show in Baltimore, which for the first time in its history, makers from a guest country exhibited. Both fairs were a huge success in so many ways and had a massive impact on the makers involved and for craft in Scotland. 

Our showcases at London Design Fair are also something that I will always be proud of. Our ambitious 18-meter-long award winning ‘floating’ stand was the talk of the fair in 2016 and helped us get back onto the London scene after a break. Also, designing and developing the COMPASS programme for both makers and curators has been hugely rewarding, especially seeing makers and curators grow both personally and professionally. Delivering Collect and the Summer Show have also been a big part of my role, and I will miss the buzz that those kinds of shows create, the people I have met through those shows and the many different types of makers that they support. 

I want to say a massive thank you to everyone in the team at Craft Scotland who are a brilliant support to the sector and who I will miss. Particular thanks to the current programme team, Gwenan and Kerstie, who always keep me on track. Also thank you to the current and previous Board who have been so supportive of my role and for having faith in all the new shows, events and ideas that they have signed off. 

Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone that I have had the pleasure of working with over the years, whether that be as a maker, curator, individual, organisation, sponsor or funder. With a special thank you to every maker that I have had the privilege of getting to know over the years. It has been an absolute pleasure working with every one of you, you have made my time at Craft Scotland incredibly special, and I will always look back on my time with very fond memories".


Jo Scott with a customer at London Craft Week 2018 / Photography by Sophie Mutevelian

Image: Jo Scott with a customer at London Craft Week 2018 / Photography by Sophie Mutevelian

On Jo’s departure, Craft Scotland Director Irene Kernan said:  

"We want to express our deepest gratitude for the hard work, dedication and expertise Jo has brought to her time at Craft Scotland. Jo has been a key driver of our ambitious programming over the last decade at home and abroad including successful presentations that have raised the profile of Scottish contemporary craft in London, the US and at home in Edinburgh. Jo’s work will leave a lasting legacy, and her presence will be missed. From the whole team and Board at Craft Scotland we wish you nothing but success in your future endeavours".

Sandra Gunn, Chair of Craft Scotland Board added: 

"On behalf of the current and former Board members I want to share our deep appreciation of Jo’s unswerving commitment and professionalism in her role within Craft Scotland. Jo is passionate about craft and through her own creativity, innovation and dedication she has made a positive difference to the careers of so many makers. She has promoted excellence in craft and worked with sensitivity, aware of the challenges faced by makers.  Through her development of training programmes, the establishment of exhibition opportunities and in her engagement with the wider sector she has been an excellent advocate and ambassador for Craft Scotland. We wish her every success in her new international adventure".


Jo’s last day with Craft Scotland will be Friday 25 October. The Craft Scotland Team and Board wish Jo well on her next adventure, she will be missed! 

The Craft Scotland team are here to support the craft community, and all of our current programmes, projects and services will continue to operate as normal. The team will be joined by Ebba Goring (jeweller and former Director of The Scottish Goldsmiths Trust), this Autumn/Winter to support our activities during this transition period.  

Get in touch 

If you'd like to leave a message for Jo or share your favourite memory, please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below or email Jo directly at jo@craftscotland.org (until Fri 25 Oct).  

Please direct any general queries to programmes@craftscotland.org.  

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