

Daniel Lacey Design & Furniture

Euan Adamson photography


Furniture Making, Woodworking




A graduate of the School of Master Craftsmen in Wood at Parnham, Daniel returned to Scotland in 2010 establishing his studio in rural Dumfriesshire. Daniel’s bespoke commission work is widely recognised for his uncompromising stance on excellence and sustainability – using mostly timber from self-harvested local windblown trees. An award-winning designer and maker, Daniel now holds 6 prestigious Bespoke Guild Marks from The Furniture Makers’ Company. His ethos is simple - work in tune with nature: locally and sympathetically: without using computer-aided technology: always strive for perfection. Creating functional works of art with - and for - his client. “My passion is designing and creating from beautiful wood. I enjoy working with wood, taking it on a journey from tree to finished piece of furniture.”

Connect with Daniel Lacey Design & Furniture


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