Irene Kernan is responsible for leading organisational strategy and plans, and for providing leadership for the sector and team to champion Scottish contemporary craft. Irene oversees our programme and operations to ensure we meet our aims and reports directly to the Board. Irene is currently on leave and will return Mon 13 Jan. Please contact the team for any queries.
Ebba Goring joins Craft Scotland in an interim role this Autumn/Winter to support our programme and leadership team.
Elaine Findlay supports Craft Scotland, and the wider craft sector, to promote their activity to audiences through maintaining our popular website and supporting our communications and digital work.
Gill Ramsay maintains our financial records and supports the production of the financial reports for the team, Board and funders.
Gwenan Davies supports the planning, development and delivery of our events, exhibitions and COMPASS programmes. Liaising closely with makers and partners, Gwenan ensures our programme is delivered to a high-standard.
Hannah Scott assists with our day-to-day and programme administration and ensures the smooth running of the Craft Scotland office.
Kelsey Johnston creates vibrant marketing campaigns to reach existing and new audiences to widen Craft Scotland’s audience for our programme of activity.
Kerstie Barr supports the planning, development and delivery of our events, exhibitions and COMPASS programmes. Liaising closely with makers and workshop leaders, Kerstie ensures our programme is delivered to a high-standard.
Veronique AA Lapeyre oversees the planning and implementation of our communications, PR and marketing, and our digital and communication strategy. Veronique creates multi-channel campaigns to raise the profile of Scottish contemporary craft and drive engagement.