

MAKE Learn

30 Oct 2020 - 30 Aug 2025

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MAKE Learn Parliament Event 2023 / Photography by Neil Hanna

Strengthening craft education in Scotland’s primary and secondary schools, and beyond.


All Across Scotland

MAKE Learn is a partnership between Craft Scotland and Panel

It developed collaboratively from the aims and ambitions of MAKE Manifesto with the aim of championing the long-term value of teaching craft and making skills from early years through to further education and developing useful resources and case studies for the craft sector. 

Since 2021 MAKE has been delivering its flagship project, MAKE Learn, in partnership with Craft Scotland, championing the long-term value of teaching craft and making skills and developing useful resources and case studies for the sector. 

>>>Learn more about MAKE Learn projects

Through MAKE Learn we are advocating for increased ambition and resources for craft through a national strategy for material skills development in schools, and for the explicit inclusion of craft within Scotland’s education curriculum. 

MAKE is a manifesto for craft in Scotland and is drawn from the aspirations, ambitions and concerns of Scotland's many-sided craft community.   

MAKE developed from discussions and workshops led by the Craft Development Network, a sector network initiated and supported by Craft Scotland. Securing a legacy from the Craft World Café and the work carried out by Roanne Dods in 2016/17, Craft Scotland acted as a craft incubator and nurtured the first iteration of MAKE through the publication of a report authored by Panel in 2018.

Panel went on to develop and launch the manifesto through an unconference event in 2019.  

Since launching in October 2019, MAKE has developed as a public-facing independent framework and network for the sector in Scotland, focusing its work in three key areas: 

  • Education 

  • Digital Resourcing and Connectivity 

  • Diversity and Inclusion 

During this time Panel, in partnership with Craft Scotland, have implemented key action-research projects and resources as part of MAKE’s output, through the MAKE Learn campaign, accessible online at makemanifesto.com

Supported by Creative Scotland, as part of their targeted funding to strengthen the craft sector in Scotland. 


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