

Houliston Craft Award 2022

12 May - 31 Dec 2022

Lorna Phillips / Photographer unknown

The Houliston Craft Award supported an Edinburgh-based maker under the age of 30 with an award to achieve their full potential.      



The Houliston Craft Award (£1,000) was a one-off award that supported an Edinburgh-based maker, under the age of 30 and without the financial means to achieve their full potential. This award was designed to assist with the development of a maker’s creative practice, including but not limited to studio rent, equipment, and/or materials.

The Houliston Craft Award was created by the Houliston family to celebrate Angela Houliston’s legacy in contemporary craft, in association with Craft Scotland.

Highly regarded, Angela has devoted much of her career to her role as Finance Director at the Edinburgh Assay Office and from 2018-2021 she sat on Craft Scotland’s Board. Angela also has a passion for developing business skills in young people and was an Enterprise Expert with the Prince's Trust.

Craft Scotland and the Houliston family are pleased to announce Lorna Phillips as the recipient of the Houliston Craft Award.

Lorna Phillips is an emerging artist working with clay. She graduated in Sculpture from Edinburgh College of Art and lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Lorna’s research-based practice excavates traces of material culture and social history by journeying into the biographies of the land. Acts of collecting and re-distributing are led by an urge to discover the artist’s place of residence. The material of clay provides the path into the landscape and what it holds. Understandings of environmental responsibility, migration, ancestral inheritance, and the role of women as craftworkers within society are raised through the exploration of the stories embedded in the earth.

Visit lornaphillips.cargo.site


As an emerging maker [this award] will help enormously with funding my access to studio and workshop spaces, which is so integral to my practice. This award will make such a difference for me to be able to have the practical means to produce the work I wish to, and to pursue my love for craft, art and clay.

Lorna Phillips, recipient of the Houliston Craft Award

Lorna's ethos appealed to me, especially the landscape being connected to your breath, as these words have a special meaning for me.

Angela Houliston
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