A 2-day course focusing on the technique of cloisonné – combining thin ribbons of silver with colourful enamel.
8 Mar - 9 Mar 2025
Organised by:
Enamel Club www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/enamel-club-91524204923Tickets:
Adult 320Location:
Edinburgh Open Workshop (Studio 3)Studio 3
Edinburgh Open Workshop
39-41 Assembly Street
This 2-day course focuses on the beautiful technique of cloisonné – a fabulous process which combines thin ribbons of silver with colourful enamel to create striking designs. The term cloisonné comes from the French ‘cloison’ which translates to ‘partition’. In this process, different colours of enamel are, as the name suggests, separated by partitions made of thin metal ribbons.
Over the 2-day course, you’ll be shown how to create a cloisonné design from start to finish – including preparing the enamel base, shaping and inlaying the wires, wet packing the cells, and how to finish your cloisonné design through grinding and kiln polishing. We’ll also explore more decorative interpretations to the technique that can elevate your designs.
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