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Submit an Opportunity Criteria

Submit an Opportunity

Attract quality makers living and working in Scotland to apply for your professional opportunities, with our free Opportunities platform. 


Before you start, please read the Uploading Terms & Conditions to make sure your opportunity is eligible for our curated listings. 


The submission form will prompt you to upload details of your opportunity, links to more information, and an image. Make sure you include key information and a clear call-to-action. 


To submit an opportunity to be listed on our Craft Community, you will need to log-in our website with your user account. If you do not already have one, the form will prompt you to create one. This is a free account. Once submitted, you will be able to update the opportunity from your user account.

 For this application, you will need: 

1. Opportunity Information

This includes a title, short description and long description, organiser details and an image

2. Venue and Location Information

The address and opening hours of the venue the event is taking place at.

Need some help?
If you are not sure which account is right for you, or need assistance with your application, please contact us at hello@craftscotland.org

Opportunities Criteria

What do you consider to be an Opportunity for makers?  

The opportunities listed on the Craft Community were accepted because they will help a Scotland-based maker to develop a sustainable creative and business practice. This can take the form of funding, bursaries, awards or grants, jobs, commissions, submission requests for exhibitions, fairs, markets, shops or other craft events, and business training. We won’t list any opportunities that we consider unfair or exploitative of makers.  


What kind of opportunities do you accept?  

Craft Scotland can only list events that are suitable for Scottish-based makers working in our accepted craft disciplines.  


Do you list unpaid positions? 

Craft Scotland is committed to ensuring that makers are paid fairly and appropriately for their time and effort. We recognise the value of volunteering in the arts and that there is value in makers having access to relevant work experience, shadowing and mentoring opportunities (where it is offered and arranged properly). We will only approve voluntary opportunities if they are upfront about being unpaid and offer a genuine opportunity to gain experience or collaborate. Craft Scotland is a Living Wage employer and we adhere to the Scottish Artist Union’s guidelines on fair pay. We hope our partners, supporters and audiences will follow our example.


Opportunities Terms


What do you consider to be an Opportunity for makers?  

The opportunities listed on the Craft Community were accepted because they will help a Scotland-based maker to develop a sustainable creative and business practice. This can take the form of funding, bursaries, awards or grants, jobs, commissions, submission requests for exhibitions, fairs, markets, shops or other craft events, and business training. We won’t list any opportunities that we consider unfair or exploitative of makers.  


What kind of opportunities do you accept?  

Craft Scotland can only list events that are suitable for Scottish-based makers working in our accepted craft disciplines.  


Do you list unpaid positions? 

Craft Scotland is committed to ensuring that makers are paid fairly and appropriately for their time and effort. We recognise the value of volunteering in the arts and that there is value in makers having access to relevant work experience, shadowing and mentoring opportunities (where it is offered and arranged properly). We will only approve voluntary opportunities if they are upfront about being unpaid and offer a genuine opportunity to gain experience or collaborate. Craft Scotland is a Living Wage employer and we adhere to the Scottish Artist Union’s guidelines on fair pay. We hope our partners, supporters and audiences will follow our example.  


How do I add a listing to the Craft Scotland Opportunities listings?  

To add a listing you need to fill in the Submit an Opportunity online form via Get Involved. You will need to log in our website with your user account. If you do not already have one, the form will prompt you to create one. This is a free account. Once submitted, you will be able to update the opportunity from your user account. 


How long will it take my listing to appear on the Opportunities listings?  

Once submitted, we review every opportunity uploaded to the Craft Scotland website. If eligible, we aim to add your listing to the site within 14 working days. 


Do I have to pay to add a listing?  

No. The Craft Scotland Opportunities pages are completely free to add an event listing.